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“Military Pensioners of Richmond” available for download

Download available for Military Pensioners of Richmond

With the death of Peter MacFie, it has been decided to provide pdf documents of the completed works that Peter had not got around to publishing. He approved this project and has left a list of particular studies he wanted put online (and provided with an index if not yet included).

The first of these dates from 2004 and is available today. Those interested are welcome to download it though do note that it is 61 pages. There is an index that is included in the main document or separately on the webpage. The intention is to try to add one every few weeks.

Military Pensioners of Richmond


MacFie, Peter H., 2004, 2022: Military Pensioners of Richmond,


Originally presented as ’Mill Cottage to Peppercorn Gallery: A History of the Military Settlers of Richmond’ and other variations including ‘Colonial Soldiers’ or ‘Pensioner Soldiers’.

Right from the early days of British soldiers being sent to Van Diemen’s Land to guard the convicts, some of the military personnel sought permission to retire and take up land in the colony when their service ended. Some settled in the Coal River valley on the road to Port Arthur and became the core of today’s Richmond. By 1850 the British Government formalized the practice, and offered retired soldiers the chance to earn their fare (and those of their families) back to Van Diemen’s Land by working as ‘Convict Guards’, with the promise of small land grants and the chance to join the police. This is the story of those who settled at Richmond or nearby. Men of limited means who were in a class of their own. Not convicts or emancipists, and not wealthy or members of the ruling classes, but often skilled tradesmen who became a strength of the community.


A 61 page A4 size pdf document. Permission is granted to print for your own use but not for sale.

To Purchase

This document is not available for purchase due to the death of the author. His heirs have arranged for all of his smaller completed works to be made available on this website as a service to Tasmanian history.


Download Military Pensioners of Richmond (5MB PDF)


Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Illustrations……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

  1. Mill Cottage – A Creative History……………………………………………………….. 7
  2. An Irish Redcoat & a Dressmaker………………………………………………………. 8
  3. The Morans Settle in Richmond’s “Irish Town”………………………………..14
  4. Mill Cottage – The Dress-Makers Shop c 1854………………………………. 23
  5. Morans on the Move………………………………………………………………………….. 28
  6. Private Edwin Anderson, Cooper, Royal Engineers……………………….. 30
  7. Richmond’s Crafty Anderson Brothers…………………………………………….. 36
  8. Other Military Pensioners and their Cottages………………………………… 42
  9. Peppercorn Gallery – A New Life for Mill Cottage………………………….. 55

Index…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56


1. Mill Cottage – A Creative History

Until the 1930s, Richmond had a variety of traditional crafts and trades, ranging from coach building wheelwrighting, blacksmithing, shoemaking, saddle and harness making. The inns which once brewed their own beers employed coopers and related trades. Skill and crafts associated with women in the 19th century include dressmaking and embroidery. A short-lived ginger beer making operation was started by a female Richmond resident.

Many of these trades were recalled in 1977 by the late Alf King, (1894-1908), a local identity with a marvellous and reliable memory, who remembered the Richmond of his childhood pre-World War I. Using the names of residents listed in the 1902 Post Office Directory, Alf described to Peter MacFie who lived where in the various houses, shops and pubs of the Richmond of his boyhood.

He recalled that Mill Cottage – the Peppercorn Gallery at 58 Bridge Street – was at that time the home of James ‘Jimmy’ Anderson, village wheelwright and master builder. Subsequent research years later has revealed that Jimmy Anderson was probably related to the original owner. The cottage stayed in the Moran/Anderson families until 1953.

The land on which the cottage stands was first allocated c 1830 to J.K. Buscombe, the early Richmond entrepreneur, publican, developer and miller who lived in the home he built for his family, Prospect House.

Maps of the period show a small building on this site. However, information taken from the 1842 census indicates the cottage was probably erected in 1841-2. Edward Moran later called the house Mill Cottage, to distinguish it from the nearby Millers Cottage (1837) located at the end of Mill Lane and which gave access to the now vanished Tower Windmill. Mill Cottage was probably expanded around 1854, when two dressmaking sisters, Catherine and Bridget Moran, opened a shop there.

Alf King also recalled the bootmakers, undertakers, blacksmiths and other tradesman who lived and worked in Richmond. Most of these were based in Bridge Streets, Richmond’s main thoroughfare.


alcohol, 14, 20, 39

Alexander, L, 21

Allcock, Martha, 26

Anderson children, 18

Anderson family, 53

Anderson, Amelia (Mrs Martin), 40, 41, 47

Anderson, Edward, 52, See Anderson, Edwin

Anderson, Edwin, 18, 30, 31, 33, 34, 43, 46

Anderson, George, 31, 32, 39, 40, 54

Anderson, James. See Anderson, Jimmy

Anderson, Jimmy, 6, 7, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 52, See Anderson, James

Anderson, John, 31, 32, 40

Anderson, Martin, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41

Anderson, Mary (Mrs Edwin), 18, 30, 31, 33, 34, 46, See Moran, Mary Ann

Anderson, MaryAnn, 31

Anderson’s Cottage, 30, 40

Anderson’s Cottage #1, 30, 32, 54

Anstey, Thomas, 52

Arthur, Lt. Gov. George, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20

Ashmore, William, 52

Bailey, Robert, 46

Bailey, Sam, 54

Barrow, ? (Mrs William Warre), 14

Barrow, Lt William Warre, 10, 11, 14

Black Line, 9, 10, 14

Black Wars, 10

Blackburn, Mark, 54

Blowfield, James, 44

Blowfield, Sarah (Mrs James). See Mason, Sarah

Bothwell, 11

Bradshaw, Henry, 21

Brown Mountain, 10, 11, 14, 15, 29

Brown’s River. See Kingston

Brushy Plains. See Buckland

Buckland, 25, 27

Buckley, James, 51

Burn, George, 15, 22

Burns, Herbert, 38

Burrell, Walter, 38

Burridge, John, 47

Buscombe, J. K., 7, 10, 11, 23

bushrangers, 16, 46

Byron, Jane (Mrs ?), 26

Cain, ? (Mrs ?), 18

Campania, 14, 50

Campania Estate, 51

Cane, ? (Mrs ?), 17

Carey, Bridget (Mrs William), 47

Carey, William, 47, 51, 52, 54

Carey’s Cottage, 47, 54

Cassidy family, 18

Cassidy, Bridget (Mrs John). See Moran, Bridget

Cassidy, Hugh, 51

Cassidy, John, 15, 16, 17, 27

Catholics, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 33, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53

Chessington Boarding House, 27

Clifford, James, 44

Congregationalists, 52

Connell, Margaret. See Moran, Margaret (Mrs Charles)

Connolly’s Marsh, 13

Conroy allotment, 54

Conroy, Bridget (Mrs John), 45

Conroy, Bridget jnr, 53

Conroy, John, 45, 52, 53

Conroy, Mary, 53

Conroy, Patrick, 45

Conroy’s Cottage, 45, 53

constables, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51

convict guards, 8, 43, 46

Cooley, Brassy. See Cooley, Charles

Cooley, Charles, 36, 46

Cornish children, 45

Cornish grant, 54

Cornish, Hannah (Mrs William), 44, 45, 46

Cornish, Mary, 45

Cornish, William, 43, 44, 45, 52, 53

Cornish’s Cottage, 53

Cotham, Father James, 17

Cotham, Lawrence, 52

Cousins, Phil, 37

cricket, 20, 21, 26

Cullen, William, 18

Cunningham, Margaret, 17

Cunningham, Michael, 18

Dale the water carrier, 26

Daniell, Captain ?, 30

Denton, James, 52, See Dunton, James

Devitt, Alf, 39

Devitt, Amelia. See Anderson, Amelia (Mrs Martin)

Devitt, John, 40

Devitt, Julia (Mrs John), 40

Dickson, Bassett, 51

Dickson, Henry, 37

Dodge, Ralph, 43

Dodge’s Ferry, 43

Douglas, Major ?, 11

Dumas, Captain ?, 14

Dunton, Florence, 25

Dunton, James, 25, 26, 27

Dunton, James Alfred, 25

Dunton, Mary Ann (Mrs James), 25, 26, 27

Eaglehawk Neck, 9

East Bay Neck, 11, 13

Eumarrah, 10

Eureka Rebellion, 46

Evans, Samuel, 47

Fagan children, 51

Fagan, ? (Mrs Michael), 51

Fagan, Michael, 31, 51

Fergusson, Peter, 10

Fielding, Anne (Mrs Robert), 55

Fielding, Robert, 55

Findlay, John, 11, 12

Fitzsimmons, Eliza (Mrs Richard), 53

Fitzsimmons, Richard, 53

foot-racing, 22

Gaby, Thomas, 52

Gard, Walter, 39

Gavin, Roger, 15

George Anderson’s Cottage. See Laurel Cottage

Geraldine Cottage, 48, 54

ginger beer, 7

Glen Ayr, 22, 51

Glover, Thomas, 44

Godfrey, Margaret (Mrs Peter), 55

Godfrey, Peter, 55

Goldie children, 27

Goldie, Francis, 27

Goldie, Mary Ann (Mrs Francis), 27

Gordon, James, 11, 12

Gracey, ?, 15

Grass Tree Hill Road Gang, 20

Green Ponds. See Kempton

Green, Bill, 36, 37, 38, 39

Gregory, Alice (Mrs John snr). See Wroe, Alice

Gregory, John snr, 50

Gregson, Thomas, 51, 52

Griffiths, Henry, 13

Guy, Benjamin, 14

Half Way Hill, 20

Hamilton, 26, 27

Hanna, Eliza, 22

Hannan, Miss ?, 17

Harris, Martin, 55

Hatfield, James, 22

hawkers, 38

Hawkes, Earnest, 40

Hayes, Catherine. See Moran, Catherine (Mrs Edward)

Herbert, Thomas, 52

Horsham, Mary, 13

Horsham, Private ?, 13

Horsham, Robert, 13

Hussey, ? (Mrs William), 51

Hussey, William, 51


Bridge Inn, 11, 16, 33, 40

Commercial Hotel, 38

Glen Derwent, 24

Jolly Farmer, 16, 32

Prince of Wales, 16, 53

Richmond Inn, 52

Union Hotel, 16, 30, 32, 51, 52, 53

Inverquarity, 51

Irish people, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 24, 32, 46, 51, 53

Irish Town, 16, 31, 32, 39, 51, 52

Jacobs, Philip, 21, 22

Jameieson’s Cottage. See Geraldine Cottage

Jamieson, James, 48, 52, 54

Jamieson’s Cottage, 48, 53

Jerusalem, 11, 23, 29, 53

Jones, Jeffrey, 55

Joseph, George, 38, 39

Kate, 6

Keady, Patrick, 45, 53

Kearney, William, 14, 43

Kelly, Mary (Mrs Robert), 52, See Cornish, Mary

Kelly, Reg, 54

Kelly, Robert, 45, 52

Kelly’s Farm, 46

Kempton, 26, 27

killings, 10, 11

King, Alf, 7, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43

King, George, 38

Kingston, 20, 47

Knight, Edward, 33

Larnder, William, 43

Lauderdale, 47

Laurel Cottage, 39, 54

Leils, Thomas, 47

Lester, Bill, 38

Lisson, Adam, 32, 46, 47, 51, 52

Lisson, Elizabeth (Mrs Adam), 32, 46

Little Jack. See Netherwood, John

Lloyd, G.T., 11

Malcolm’s Huts Road Station, 20

Marchant, ?, 22

Marengo Estate, 37

Margate, 47

Maria Island, 24

Mason children, 43

Mason grant, 54

Mason, Charlotte, 43, 44, 50

Mason, Eliza (Mrs Samuel), 43, 44

Mason, Ellen, 43, 44

Mason, John Walter, 43, 44

Mason, Samuel, 43, 44, 51, 53

Mason, Sarah, 43, 44

Mason’s Cottage, 53

McCullagh, Mary (Mrs Simon), 32

McCullagh, Simon, 32

McCulloch, Anne (Mrs Simon), 16

McCulloch, Mary Ann, 17

McCulloch, Simon, 16, 52, 53

McCullugh, Simon. See McCulloch, Simon

McDougall, Lindsay, 55

McDougall, Sue (Mrs Lindsay), 55

McGowan, Anastasia (Mrs James), 32

McGowan, Honora, 17

McGowan, James, 16, 18, 32, 53

McGowan, Mary, 17

McLoughlin, Thomas, 13

Medlar, William, 46


01st Madras Regiment, 45

09th Regiment, 31, 51

11th Regiment, 47

21st Regiment, 16, 21

22nd Regiment, 46

36rd Regiment, 8

46th Regiment, 45

63rd Regiment, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

68th Regiment, 46

73rd regiment, 16

97th Regiment, 43

99th Regiment, 43, 48

Auckland Militia, 14

Royal Artillery, 49

Royal Marine, 51

Sappers and Miners Regiment, 30, 34

military pensioners, 16, 31, 32, 40, 43, 45, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53

Mill Cottage, 6, 7, 8, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 40, 41, 55

Millers Cottage, 7, 28

Montrose Cottage, 54

Moran children, 18

Moran, Annie Ada, 28

Moran, Arthur Ernest, 28

Moran, Bridget, 7, 15, 19, 23, 26, 27, 29, 48

Moran, Bridget (Mrs Thomas), 28

Moran, Catherine, 48

Moran, Catherine (Mrs Edward), 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 28, 31

Moran, Catherine (Mrs William), 28

Moran, Catherine 3, 22

Moran, Catherine jr, 15

Moran, Charles, 8, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 52, 53

Moran, Charles Connell jnr, 28

Moran, Edward, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 39, 45, 52, 53, 54

Moran, Edward 2, 22

Moran, Eleanor, 15, 19

Moran, Florence Lillian, 28

Moran, Isabella Margaret, 28

Moran, Kate, 7, 17, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, See Moran, Catherine jr

Moran, Margaret (Mrs Charles), 28, 29

Moran, Maria. See Moran, Mary Ann

Moran, Mary Ann, 6, 15, 17, 31, See Dunton, Mary Ann (Mrs James)

Moran, Mary Ann 2, 22

Moran, Richard Thomas, 28

Moran, Rose Helena, 28

Moran, Thomas, 12, 28, 29

Moran, Thomas 2, 15, 17, 19

Moran, William, 8, 9, 15, 17, 19, 27, 28, 30

Moran, William 3, 22

Moran’s Cottage, 19, 45

Moran’s Cottage. See Montrose Cottage

Moren, Edward. See Moran, Edward

Morin, Edward. See Moran, Edward

Mounted Police, 10, 11, 15

Mt Rumney, 20

Murphy, Daniel, 16, 33

Murphy, Patrick, 11

Muster Ground, 10

Native Corners, 46, 50, 51, 53

Netherwood, John, 19, 20

New Town Farm, 48

Nicholls, J. H., 52

Nichols, ? (Magistrate), 21

Nickols, Elizabeth, 23

Noonan, Bridget. See Moran, Bridget (Mrs Thomas)

Norfolk Island, 30, 49

Nugent Farm, 25

O’Keefe, David, 18

O’Keefe, Michael, 18

Oatlands, 11, 44, 52

Ogilvy, David, 51

Parramore, Owen, 54

Penrice, 43

pensioner guards, 30

Peppercorn Gallery, 6, 7, 55

petitions, 17, 24, 25, 52

Polding, Bishop John Bede, 16

Poole, Ann (Mrs Joseph), 20

Poole, Anne. See Shelverton, Anne (Mrs George)

Poole, Joseph, 20

Port Arthur, 9, 20, 24

Price, John, 49

Prospect House, 7

Protestants, 24, 26, 27, 29, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53

Pt Puer, 21

Quin, Mrs Jean, 54

Redding, Ellen (Mrs William). See Mason, Ellen

Redding, Richard, 43, 44

Redding, William, 44

Reid, Thomas, 39

Reynolds, ? (Mrs Roderick), 47

Reynolds, Roderick, 47, 52

Richmond Bridge, 11, 14, 43

Richmond Gaol, 10, 14, 44

Richmond Races, 22

Riley, Thomas, 45

Robertson, Gilbert, 10, 15, 43

Rose, John, 23

Roslyn, 15, 22

Ross, Simon, 52

Rows, Thomas snr. See Wroe, Thomas snr

Sampson, ? (Mrs ?), 54

Schaw, Charles, 21, 51


Campania, 55

Catholic, 18, 40

Dame, 53

private girls, 23

public, 47

Searle daughters, 23

Searle, ? (Mrs ?), 23

Shaw children, 47

Shaw, Arthur, 47, 54

Shaw, Bessie (Mrs Arthur), 47, 54

sheep, 11, 12

Shelverton, Annie May, 26

Shelverton, George, 26

Shelverton, Georgina Lester, 23

Shelverton, Kate (Mrs William), 26, 29, See Moran, Kate

Shelverton, William, 26, 29


Alice, 9

Blenheim, 43, 46

Coringa Packet, 46

Eliza 4, 30, 31, 43, 45, 47, 49

Lady Leigh, 49

Lord Goderich, 21

Maria Soames, 43, 48

Medway 2, 19, 20

Minerva, 15, 16, 17, 18, 32

Wave, 8

Simpson, Mary Ann. See Goldie, Marie Ann (Mrs Francis)

Smith O’Brien, William, 24, 53

Smith, Thomas, 50

soldiers, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 30

Sorell, 11, 12, 20, 26

Sparkes, William, 27

St John’s Cemetery, 12, 15, 34, 48

St John’s Church, 12, 15, 16, 17, 26, 40

St Luke’s Cemetery, 12, 13, 34, 44, 51

St Luke’s Church, 26, 45, 50

steam flour mill, 26

Stoney Creek tribe, 10

Styne family, 18

Tasmanian Aborigines, 10, 11

The Carlton, 13

The Old Place, 54, See Carey’s Cottage


blacksmiths, 7, 36, 37, 38

bootmakers, 7, 9, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 32, 40

brewers, 33

bricklayers, 51

builders, 7, 37, 52

butchers, 47

carpenters, 6, 20, 37

charcoal burners, 38

coach-builders, 6, 37

coach-painters, 38

coopers, 7, 30, 33, 34, 36

dressmakers, 6, 7, 9, 23, 26

embroiderers, 7, 23

iron-founders, 46

javelin men, 44

laundresses, 49

millers, 7, 23, 26

millwrights, 10

ostlers, 33

plasterers, 51

shoemakers, 27, 39

stonemasons, 52

tailors, 46, 48

undertakers, 7

wheelwrights, 6, 7, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Travers, Catherine. See Moran, Catherine (Mrs William)

Ulmer, Kurt, 6, 55

Ulmer, Shirley (Mrs Kurt), 6, 55

Villeneuve Smith, William, 51

Vine Cottage, 44

voting, 51

Wallace, Laurence, 18

Wharton, Pymbar, 27

Whelan, Frances (Mrs John). See Wroe, Frances Eliza

Whelan, John, 50

White Kangaroo Rivulet, 10, 15, 29

White, ?, 15

Wiggins, Arthur, 54

Williams, W, 21

Willson, Bishop Robert William, 17, 18

Wilson, William, 21

windmill, 7, 10, 23, 28

Woodburn, 15, 16, 51

Woolford, Billy, 54

Woolford, Louise, 54

Woolford, Mercy, 54

Wright, Cyril, 54

Wright, Walter, 39

Wroe grant, 54

Wroe, Alice, 50

Wroe, Charlotte (Mrs Thomas jnr), 50, See Mason, Charlotte

Wroe, Eva, 50

Wroe, Frances (Mrs Thomas snr), 49, 51

Wroe, Frances Eliza, 50

Wroe, Samuel, 49, 51

Wroe, Thomas jnr, 44, 49, 50

Wroe, Thomas snr, 44, 49, 51, 53

Wroe’s Cottage, 53

Young, Randel, 26



“The Wesleyans of Port Arthur” Published

Book cover titled "The Wesleyans of Port Arthur" by Peter MacFie. The cover is filled with a photograph of church ruins at Port Arthur.With the aid of many friends and his editor, this remarkable story of the Wesleyan Chaplains who were appointed by the Government of the day to provide moral guidance to the convicts, military and civilians who lived at Port Arthur from 1833 to the end of 1843 has been completed.

Read more about this book on The Wesleyans of Port Arthur page, or buy it from the Shop.

The Wesleyans of Port Arthur


MacFie, Peter, 2022, The Wesleyans of Port Arthur,


This history of the Wesleyan ministers and their relationship with convicts, military and civilian personnel covers the eleven years during which they held the official role of Chaplain at Port Arthur. There they were primarily responsible for moral instruction through services, prayers, religious instruction and consolation, and oversaw schooling for the free children, the boys of Point Puer and the adult convicts. In addition, they buried the dead and baptised the babies. The Wesleyan chaplains were involved in the design of the grand sandstone church which was consecrated and in regular use from July 1837. Most of the Chaplains took their wives and children with them to Port Arthur, living in a cramped and damp cottage. Their position was taken over by the Anglicans when a new brick parsonage was built at the start of 1844.


199 A4 pages, 98 images including 7 historic maps & charts, plus footnotes, bibliography and detailed index.

Wesleyan Endorsements

Coming soon

Purchasing the book

This book is now available direct from through ‘Print on Demand’ from anywhere in the world.

If you want help in buying direct from Lulu, click here.

Bookshops with current stock of the book

Cracked & Spineless

Imperial Arcade, Collins St, Hobart, Tas, Australia 7000

Petrarchs Book Shop

89 Brisbane St, Launceston, Tas 7250, Australia

Hobart Bookshop

22 Salamanca Square, Hobart, Tas 7004, Australia

Fullers Bookshop

131 Collins St, Hobart, Tas 7000, Australia

Dymocks Hobart

Centrepoint Shopping Centre, Shop 206/207, Level 2, 70 Murray Street
Hobart, Tas 7000, Australia

Port Arthur Historic Site

Visitor Centre – Gift Shop

Arthur Highway, Port Arthur, Tas 7182, Australia

Libraries Tasmania

The book is also now available from Libraries Tasmania

Sample Chapter

To read the Introduction chapter, click here.


  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Penal Settlements on the Tasman Peninsula
  • Chapter 2: The Wesleyan Chaplains
  • Chapter 3: Neighbours on the Tasman Peninsula
  • Chapter 4: The Military Neighbours
  • Chapter 5: The Convict Neighbours
  • Chapter 6: The Churches of Port Arthur
  • Chapter 7: Spiritual Guidance
  • Chapter 8: Schools of the Tasman Peninsula
  • Chapter 9: Weddings, Births and Baptisms
  • Chapter 10: Deaths, Murders and Executions
  • Chapter 11: Private Life of the Wesleyan Chaplains
  • Chapter 12: Life with the Point Puer Boys
  • Chapter 13: Wesleyans Under Attack
  • Chapter 14: On the Defensive
  • Chapter 15: Point Puer Without the Wesleyans
  • Chapter 16: The Lasting Appeal of the Wesleyans
  • Chapter 17: Future Questions
  • Appendix 1: Religious Instructors, Ordained and Lay
  • Appendix 2: The Probation Stations
  • Appendix 3: The Wesleyan Clergy After Port Arthur
  • Appendix 4: The Chaplains’ Neighbours
  • Bibliography


The Index from the book is provided here but not the page numbers.

Adams, John
Andrews, Alfred
Anstey, Thomas
Arden, James
Armstrong, George
Armstrong, Joseph
Arrowsmith, John
Arthur, Lt Gov. George
Ashforth, Robert
Ashworth, Henry
Atkinson, Joseph
Axtell, George
Backhouse, James
Barrow, Peter
Barrow, Sir John
Batman, John
Beattie, John Watt
Bedford, Rev. William
Belfield, Henry
Bell, Thomas
Belliard, Edward
Bench Books
Bennett, John
Benson, Dr William
Bethune, Drinkwater
Bickley, Richard
Birch, Robert
Birch’s Bay
Black Line
black-market trading
Blake, George
Boardman, Thomas
Bobbie, Jack
Bond, Father William
Booth children
Booth, Charles O’Hara
Booth, Elizabeth (Mrs Charles)
Boulder, Charles
Bowles, William
Boyce, James
Boyd, Alexander
Boyes, William
Boys, Thomas
Bragg, Sarah
Brailsford, William
Bray, George
Briggs, Thomas
Brissa, Richard
Brock children
Brock, Bethia (Mrs Frederick)
Brock, Dr Frederick
Broughton, Bishop William
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Simon
Brownell children
Brownell, Dr Thomas
Brownell, Elizabeth (Mrs Thomas)
Brownell, Rev. John
Browning, Rev. Dr Colin A.
Bryant children
Bryant, Mrs
Bryant, Private ?
Buller, James
Bunker, William
Burn, David
Burnett, John
Burns children
Burns, Andrew
Burns, Mary (Mrs Andrew)
Burrows children
Burrows, Josephine (Mrs Samuel)
Burrows, Judith (Mrs Samuel)
Burrows, Mary Ann (Mrs Samuel)
Burrows, Samuel
Butcher, Solomon
Butters children
Butters, Jane Middleton (Mrs William)
Butters, John
Butters, Rev. William
Byron children
Byron, Isabella (Mrs John)
Byron, John
Campbell, Charles
Capon, Thomas
Carte children
Carte, Honoria (Mrs William)
Carte, William
Carvosso, Deborah (Mrs Benjamin)
Carvosso, Rev. Benjamin
Casey, Dr Gavin
Caston, Thomas
Catechist’s Quarters – PP
Catholic Chapel
Cavanagh, Robert
Champ children
Champ Street
Champ, Helen (Mrs William)
Champ, William
Chaplain’s Quarters – PP
Chappell, Henry
Charles, Frederick
Charlton, John
Chidy, John
Chief Constable’s Quarters
Church of England
Clark, William
Clarke children
Clarke, Grace (Mrs William)
Clarke, John
Clarke, Marcus
Clarke, William
Coal Mines
Coans children
Coans, Ellen (Mrs Jonothan)
Coans, Jonothan
Collins, David
Collins, Dennis
Collins, William
Collison, James
Commandant’s office
convict clothing
convict escapes
convict servants
convict tramway
Cook, Thomas
Cooper children
Cooper, Jansay (Mrs Thomas)
Cooper, Thomas
Copperwaite, Richard
Cotham, Rev. James
Courtenay, Capt. G.H.
Crawley, Jeremiah
Crossland, George
Cummins, William
Cuthbertson, Lt ?
Danes children
Danes, Abraham
Danes, Sarah (Mrs Abraham)
Daniels, Joseph
Darby, Ensign ?
Davies, Martin
Davis children
Davis, Ann (Mrs William)
Davis, John
Davis, William
Dawson, John
Day, Thomas
de Castanos, Perez
de Marsa, Joseph
Deane, Joseph
Denison, William
Dermer, William
Dickenson, Constable ?
Dickson, William
Dobbs children
Dobbs, Edward
Dobbs, Elsey (Mrs Edward)
Doherty, John
Donn, Charles
Dove, H.D. (Mrs Thomas)
Dove, Rev. Thomas
Downes, Charles
Downie, Andrew
Drake, George
Dumont d’Urville, Jules
Durham children
Durham, ? (Mrs Edward)
Durham, Rev. Edward
Eagle, Elizabeth
Eaglehawk Neck
East Bay Neck
Eastman children
Eastman, Louise (Mrs George)
Eastman, Rev. George
Edwards, William
Elliott, William
Ellis, Charles
Ellis, Joseph
Elston, Richard
Errington, Capt. Arnold
Evans children
Evans, Ellen (Mrs Jonathan)
Evans, Jonathan
Evenden, John
Fenton, Thomas
Fisher, James
Fletcher, James
Fletcher, Richard
Flinders Bay
Flinders Island
Flowers children
Flowers, Mary (Mrs Robert)
Flowers, Robert
Flowers, Thomas
Foggo, Neil Gow
Forrest, Ann
Forster, Honoria
Forster, Matthew
Forsyth, John
Foundation Plaque
Franklin, Lady Jane (Sir John)
Franklin, Lt Gov. Sir John
Frazer, Miss H.D.
Freeman children
Freeman, Mary (Mrs William)
Freeman, William
Gale, William
Garden Island
Garrett, William
Geary, George
Geils, Charles
Gellibrand, Joseph Tice
Gibbons children
Gibbons, Capt. John
Gibbons, Dinah Ann (Mrs Robert)
Gibbons, John
Gibbons, Robert
Gibson, Helen
Gibson, William
Ginneresley, John
Goodman, John
Gordon, James
Goulter children
Goulter, Anna Maria (Mrs Henry)
Goulter, Henry John
Green, Ann
Greensmith, Samuel
Griffiths, James
Groves, Richard
Gruby, Edward
Hall, Robert Heath
Hambrook, Jonathon
Hancock, John
Harding, Nathaniel
Hare, John
Hargreaves children
Hargreaves, ? (Mrs John)
Hargreaves, John
Harkness, James
Harris, Joshua
Harrison, William
Harry, John
Haydon, Peter
Heath children
Heath, John Scott
Heath, Mary Ann (Mrs John Scott)
Henning, Joseph
Henry Tatlow
Hepburn, John
Hill children
Hill, James
Hill, Mary (Mrs James)
Holden children
Holden, Ellen (Mrs Peter)
Holden, Peter
Holmes, Samuel
Hooper, Fred
Hornsley, William
horrid crimes
Horton College
Horton, Rev. William
Horton, Samuel
Howell, Howell
Howling, Morris
Howse, Robert
Hoy, David
Hughes, J.H.
Hughes, John
Hunt children
Hunt, James
Hunt, Margaret (Mrs James)
Hunter, Frederick
Hurley, Constable ?
Hurst, Mary Ann
Hutchinson, Mary (Mrs John)
Hutchinson, Rev. John
Impression Bay
Indigenous People
Isle of the Dead
Jamison children
Jamison, Ann (Mrs Robert)
Jamison, Robert
Jeanneret children
Jeanneret, Dr Henry
Jeanneret, Harriett (Mrs Henry)
Jones, Francis
Jones, Richard
Keast, Catherine
Keefe, John
Keefe, Margaret
Keegan, Michael
Kelly children
Kelly, Alastair
Kelly, Elizabeth (Mrs Alastair)
Kelly, Thomas
Kidney, Daniel
Kimberly, Richard
King, George
Knopwood, Rev. Robert
Laing, Henry
Langford, Anna Maria
Langham, William
Laplace, Cyrille
Law, Benjamin
Law, Edward
Law, Hannah (Mrs Benjamin)
Lea, Charles
Leanard children
Leanard, Catherine (Mrs Michael)
Leanard, Michael
Leary, John
Leeming, William
Lees, Benjamin
Leigh, ? (Mrs Samuel)
Lemprière children
Lemprière, Charlotte (Mrs Thomas)
Lemprière, Mary Earle
Lemprière, Thomas
Levi, Philip
Lhotsky, Dr John
Lillis, Sarah
Linaphon, Crussa
Logan, William
Longworth, John
Lovell, Samuel
Lowe, ? (Mrs Alexander)
Lowe, Alexander
Lucas, George
Lucas, Margaret
MacBraire, Dr John
Macdonald, Captain ?
Mackie, George
Maconochie, Alexander
Macquarie Harbour
Mahon, Capt. John
Mainday children
Mainday, Ann (Mrs ?)
Mainday, Private ?)
Manton children
Manton, Ann (Mrs John)
Manton, Rev. John
Manuel, Michael
Maria Island
Martin, John
Martin, Peter
Maskey, Ann (Mrs Edwin)
Maskey, children
Maskey, Edwin
Mason, George
Mason, Joseph
Matthews, Josephine
Maxfield, Francis
McCaig, Duncan
McCann, Thomas
McConochie, Alexander
McGregor, Malcolm
McGuire, Hugh
McInally, James
McKnight, William
Meggett, Peter
Merritt, Harriett
Meyers, James
Meyers, Thirza (Mrs James)
21st Fusiliers
48th Regt
51st King’s Own
63rd Regt
84th Regt
88th Connaught Rangers
96th Regt
Miller, Linus
Milnes, Martha
Minehan, Patrick
Mitchell children
Mitchell, Catherine (Mrs John)
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, William
Mollyneaux, Daniel
Montagu, John
Montgomery children
Montgomery, ? (Mrs John)
Montgomery, John
Moore children
Moore, Hannah (Mrs William)
Moore, William
Morris, Robert
Mount Arthur
Mountshire, James
Mousher, James
Murdoch, Lt Peter
Muster Master’s Quarters
Myers children
Myers, James
Myers, Thirza (Mrs James)
Neill, Robert
New Town Farm
Newington College
Newman children
Newman, George
Newman, Richard
Newman, Sarah (Mrs Richard)
Nichols, Arthur
Nixon, Bishop Francis
Nokes, Benjamin
Norfolk Bay
O’Halloran, Father John
O’Neil, John
Oakes, Mary
Oliver, Robert
Olsen, Hans
Orton children
Orton, Rev. Joseph
Orton, Sarah (Mrs Joseph)
Overly children
Overly, Mary (Mrs William)
Overly, William
Oyster Cove
Padmore, Henry
Paisley, Walter
Palmer, Rev. Philip
Parry, John
Partridge, Chief Constable ?
Pegus, Mary Sophia (Mrs Peter)
Pegus, Peter
Peyton Jones, Ensign John
Point Puer map
Pollard, John
Poultney, Robert
Power children
Power, Dr ?
Power, Ellen (Mrs John
Power, John
Pringle, James Jones
Pringle, Mary (Mrs James)
Probation Stations
Probation System
Quick, Rev. William
Randall children
Randall, ? (Mrs Walter)
Randall, Walter
religious boys
Riley, William
Roberts, R.A
Roberts, Robert
Robinson, George Augustus
Robinson, William
Roby, Edward
Rogers, George
Rose, George
Ross, James
Russell, Dr John James
Rutland, Henry
Salmon, George
Saltwater Creek
Saltwater River
Sarah Island
Saunders, Joseph
Scanlon, Margaret
schedule – Point Puer
Schofield, Martha (Mrs William)
Schofield, Rev. William
Scott, James
Scrimshaw, William
Separate Prison
Settlement Creek
Settlement Road
Sharpe, Joseph
Sharpe, William
Shaw, Thomas
Sheffield, William
Shuttleworth, Joseph
Simcock, Edward
Simpson children
Simpson, Rev. William
Simpson, Rev. William West
Simpson, Sarah (Mrs William)
Skardon, George
Skardon, Mary Sophia
Slopen Main
Smith, James
Smith, Job
Smith, Judith
Smith, Timothy
Smith, William
Snodgrass, Kenneth
Somercote, Richard
Sorell, Lt Gov. William
Sparks, Henry
Spencer children
Spencer, Agnes (Mrs James John)
Spencer, James
Spencer, James John
Spencer, John James
Spencer, John jr
Spillard children
Spillard, James
Spillard, Sarah (Mrs James)
Spottiswood, Alicia
Spottiswood, Capt. John
Spottiswood, Catherine
Spottiswood, Elizabeth (Mrs John)
Stanfield, William
Stanton children
Stanton, ? (Mrs Benjamin)
Stanton, Benjamin
Steele, Joseph
Stevens, Bax
Stevens, Benjamin
Stevens, James
Stewarts Harbour
Stimpson, Elizabeth
Storey, William
Stuart, John Ramsay
Superintendent’s Quarters – PA
Superintendent’s Quarters – PP
Taite, James
Tams, Charles
Tassett, Henry
Tatler, Henry
Taylor, John
Teayhorn children
Teayhorn, Richard
Teayhorn, Rose Anne (Mrs Richard)
The Marshes
Therry, Father John
Tom children
Tom, Catherine (Mrs Henry)
Tom, Henry
Towers, John
Travers, James
tread mill
Trial Book
Turner children
Turner, Ann (Mrs Nathaniel)
Turner, Rev. Nathaniel
Twist, Emmanuel
Veitch, Robert
Visitor’s Accommodation
Waddy, Sgt ?
Walker, George Washington
Walker, Thomas
Ward, Senior Constable ?
Warner, Ashton
Waterhouse, Jane Middleton
Waterhouse, Rev. John
Waters, Richard
Waterson, William
Weatherston children
Weatherston, Mary (Mrs John)
Weatherston, Rev. John
Webb, William
Wedge Bay
Welsh, James
Wesley, Edward
Wesley, Rev. Charles
Wesley, Rev. John
Wesley, Rev. Samuel
White, William
Whitsett, Thomas
Willett, William
Williams, John
Williams, Samuel
Wills children
Wills, Frederick
Wills, Sarah (Mrs Frederick)
Willson, Bishop Robert
Wilson, Capt. ?
Wiltshire, Charles
Wiltshire, Francis
Wood, Ann
Woods, Andrew
Wright, Bethia
Wright, John
Wynne, James
Young, Robert