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“Military Pensioners of Richmond” available for download

Download available for Military Pensioners of Richmond

With the death of Peter MacFie, it has been decided to provide pdf documents of the completed works that Peter had not got around to publishing. He approved this project and has left a list of particular studies he wanted put online (and provided with an index if not yet included).

The first of these dates from 2004 and is available today. Those interested are welcome to download it though do note that it is 61 pages. There is an index that is included in the main document or separately on the webpage. The intention is to try to add one every few weeks.

Military Pensioners of Richmond


MacFie, Peter H., 2004, 2022: Military Pensioners of Richmond,


Originally presented as ’Mill Cottage to Peppercorn Gallery: A History of the Military Settlers of Richmond’ and other variations including ‘Colonial Soldiers’ or ‘Pensioner Soldiers’.

Right from the early days of British soldiers being sent to Van Diemen’s Land to guard the convicts, some of the military personnel sought permission to retire and take up land in the colony when their service ended. Some settled in the Coal River valley on the road to Port Arthur and became the core of today’s Richmond. By 1850 the British Government formalized the practice, and offered retired soldiers the chance to earn their fare (and those of their families) back to Van Diemen’s Land by working as ‘Convict Guards’, with the promise of small land grants and the chance to join the police. This is the story of those who settled at Richmond or nearby. Men of limited means who were in a class of their own. Not convicts or emancipists, and not wealthy or members of the ruling classes, but often skilled tradesmen who became a strength of the community.


A 61 page A4 size pdf document. Permission is granted to print for your own use but not for sale.

To Purchase

This document is not available for purchase due to the death of the author. His heirs have arranged for all of his smaller completed works to be made available on this website as a service to Tasmanian history.


Download Military Pensioners of Richmond (5MB PDF)


Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Illustrations……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

  1. Mill Cottage – A Creative History……………………………………………………….. 7
  2. An Irish Redcoat & a Dressmaker………………………………………………………. 8
  3. The Morans Settle in Richmond’s “Irish Town”………………………………..14
  4. Mill Cottage – The Dress-Makers Shop c 1854………………………………. 23
  5. Morans on the Move………………………………………………………………………….. 28
  6. Private Edwin Anderson, Cooper, Royal Engineers……………………….. 30
  7. Richmond’s Crafty Anderson Brothers…………………………………………….. 36
  8. Other Military Pensioners and their Cottages………………………………… 42
  9. Peppercorn Gallery – A New Life for Mill Cottage………………………….. 55

Index…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56


1. Mill Cottage – A Creative History

Until the 1930s, Richmond had a variety of traditional crafts and trades, ranging from coach building wheelwrighting, blacksmithing, shoemaking, saddle and harness making. The inns which once brewed their own beers employed coopers and related trades. Skill and crafts associated with women in the 19th century include dressmaking and embroidery. A short-lived ginger beer making operation was started by a female Richmond resident.

Many of these trades were recalled in 1977 by the late Alf King, (1894-1908), a local identity with a marvellous and reliable memory, who remembered the Richmond of his childhood pre-World War I. Using the names of residents listed in the 1902 Post Office Directory, Alf described to Peter MacFie who lived where in the various houses, shops and pubs of the Richmond of his boyhood.

He recalled that Mill Cottage – the Peppercorn Gallery at 58 Bridge Street – was at that time the home of James ‘Jimmy’ Anderson, village wheelwright and master builder. Subsequent research years later has revealed that Jimmy Anderson was probably related to the original owner. The cottage stayed in the Moran/Anderson families until 1953.

The land on which the cottage stands was first allocated c 1830 to J.K. Buscombe, the early Richmond entrepreneur, publican, developer and miller who lived in the home he built for his family, Prospect House.

Maps of the period show a small building on this site. However, information taken from the 1842 census indicates the cottage was probably erected in 1841-2. Edward Moran later called the house Mill Cottage, to distinguish it from the nearby Millers Cottage (1837) located at the end of Mill Lane and which gave access to the now vanished Tower Windmill. Mill Cottage was probably expanded around 1854, when two dressmaking sisters, Catherine and Bridget Moran, opened a shop there.

Alf King also recalled the bootmakers, undertakers, blacksmiths and other tradesman who lived and worked in Richmond. Most of these were based in Bridge Streets, Richmond’s main thoroughfare.


alcohol, 14, 20, 39

Alexander, L, 21

Allcock, Martha, 26

Anderson children, 18

Anderson family, 53

Anderson, Amelia (Mrs Martin), 40, 41, 47

Anderson, Edward, 52, See Anderson, Edwin

Anderson, Edwin, 18, 30, 31, 33, 34, 43, 46

Anderson, George, 31, 32, 39, 40, 54

Anderson, James. See Anderson, Jimmy

Anderson, Jimmy, 6, 7, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 52, See Anderson, James

Anderson, John, 31, 32, 40

Anderson, Martin, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41

Anderson, Mary (Mrs Edwin), 18, 30, 31, 33, 34, 46, See Moran, Mary Ann

Anderson, MaryAnn, 31

Anderson’s Cottage, 30, 40

Anderson’s Cottage #1, 30, 32, 54

Anstey, Thomas, 52

Arthur, Lt. Gov. George, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20

Ashmore, William, 52

Bailey, Robert, 46

Bailey, Sam, 54

Barrow, ? (Mrs William Warre), 14

Barrow, Lt William Warre, 10, 11, 14

Black Line, 9, 10, 14

Black Wars, 10

Blackburn, Mark, 54

Blowfield, James, 44

Blowfield, Sarah (Mrs James). See Mason, Sarah

Bothwell, 11

Bradshaw, Henry, 21

Brown Mountain, 10, 11, 14, 15, 29

Brown’s River. See Kingston

Brushy Plains. See Buckland

Buckland, 25, 27

Buckley, James, 51

Burn, George, 15, 22

Burns, Herbert, 38

Burrell, Walter, 38

Burridge, John, 47

Buscombe, J. K., 7, 10, 11, 23

bushrangers, 16, 46

Byron, Jane (Mrs ?), 26

Cain, ? (Mrs ?), 18

Campania, 14, 50

Campania Estate, 51

Cane, ? (Mrs ?), 17

Carey, Bridget (Mrs William), 47

Carey, William, 47, 51, 52, 54

Carey’s Cottage, 47, 54

Cassidy family, 18

Cassidy, Bridget (Mrs John). See Moran, Bridget

Cassidy, Hugh, 51

Cassidy, John, 15, 16, 17, 27

Catholics, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 33, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53

Chessington Boarding House, 27

Clifford, James, 44

Congregationalists, 52

Connell, Margaret. See Moran, Margaret (Mrs Charles)

Connolly’s Marsh, 13

Conroy allotment, 54

Conroy, Bridget (Mrs John), 45

Conroy, Bridget jnr, 53

Conroy, John, 45, 52, 53

Conroy, Mary, 53

Conroy, Patrick, 45

Conroy’s Cottage, 45, 53

constables, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51

convict guards, 8, 43, 46

Cooley, Brassy. See Cooley, Charles

Cooley, Charles, 36, 46

Cornish children, 45

Cornish grant, 54

Cornish, Hannah (Mrs William), 44, 45, 46

Cornish, Mary, 45

Cornish, William, 43, 44, 45, 52, 53

Cornish’s Cottage, 53

Cotham, Father James, 17

Cotham, Lawrence, 52

Cousins, Phil, 37

cricket, 20, 21, 26

Cullen, William, 18

Cunningham, Margaret, 17

Cunningham, Michael, 18

Dale the water carrier, 26

Daniell, Captain ?, 30

Denton, James, 52, See Dunton, James

Devitt, Alf, 39

Devitt, Amelia. See Anderson, Amelia (Mrs Martin)

Devitt, John, 40

Devitt, Julia (Mrs John), 40

Dickson, Bassett, 51

Dickson, Henry, 37

Dodge, Ralph, 43

Dodge’s Ferry, 43

Douglas, Major ?, 11

Dumas, Captain ?, 14

Dunton, Florence, 25

Dunton, James, 25, 26, 27

Dunton, James Alfred, 25

Dunton, Mary Ann (Mrs James), 25, 26, 27

Eaglehawk Neck, 9

East Bay Neck, 11, 13

Eumarrah, 10

Eureka Rebellion, 46

Evans, Samuel, 47

Fagan children, 51

Fagan, ? (Mrs Michael), 51

Fagan, Michael, 31, 51

Fergusson, Peter, 10

Fielding, Anne (Mrs Robert), 55

Fielding, Robert, 55

Findlay, John, 11, 12

Fitzsimmons, Eliza (Mrs Richard), 53

Fitzsimmons, Richard, 53

foot-racing, 22

Gaby, Thomas, 52

Gard, Walter, 39

Gavin, Roger, 15

George Anderson’s Cottage. See Laurel Cottage

Geraldine Cottage, 48, 54

ginger beer, 7

Glen Ayr, 22, 51

Glover, Thomas, 44

Godfrey, Margaret (Mrs Peter), 55

Godfrey, Peter, 55

Goldie children, 27

Goldie, Francis, 27

Goldie, Mary Ann (Mrs Francis), 27

Gordon, James, 11, 12

Gracey, ?, 15

Grass Tree Hill Road Gang, 20

Green Ponds. See Kempton

Green, Bill, 36, 37, 38, 39

Gregory, Alice (Mrs John snr). See Wroe, Alice

Gregory, John snr, 50

Gregson, Thomas, 51, 52

Griffiths, Henry, 13

Guy, Benjamin, 14

Half Way Hill, 20

Hamilton, 26, 27

Hanna, Eliza, 22

Hannan, Miss ?, 17

Harris, Martin, 55

Hatfield, James, 22

hawkers, 38

Hawkes, Earnest, 40

Hayes, Catherine. See Moran, Catherine (Mrs Edward)

Herbert, Thomas, 52

Horsham, Mary, 13

Horsham, Private ?, 13

Horsham, Robert, 13

Hussey, ? (Mrs William), 51

Hussey, William, 51


Bridge Inn, 11, 16, 33, 40

Commercial Hotel, 38

Glen Derwent, 24

Jolly Farmer, 16, 32

Prince of Wales, 16, 53

Richmond Inn, 52

Union Hotel, 16, 30, 32, 51, 52, 53

Inverquarity, 51

Irish people, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 24, 32, 46, 51, 53

Irish Town, 16, 31, 32, 39, 51, 52

Jacobs, Philip, 21, 22

Jameieson’s Cottage. See Geraldine Cottage

Jamieson, James, 48, 52, 54

Jamieson’s Cottage, 48, 53

Jerusalem, 11, 23, 29, 53

Jones, Jeffrey, 55

Joseph, George, 38, 39

Kate, 6

Keady, Patrick, 45, 53

Kearney, William, 14, 43

Kelly, Mary (Mrs Robert), 52, See Cornish, Mary

Kelly, Reg, 54

Kelly, Robert, 45, 52

Kelly’s Farm, 46

Kempton, 26, 27

killings, 10, 11

King, Alf, 7, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43

King, George, 38

Kingston, 20, 47

Knight, Edward, 33

Larnder, William, 43

Lauderdale, 47

Laurel Cottage, 39, 54

Leils, Thomas, 47

Lester, Bill, 38

Lisson, Adam, 32, 46, 47, 51, 52

Lisson, Elizabeth (Mrs Adam), 32, 46

Little Jack. See Netherwood, John

Lloyd, G.T., 11

Malcolm’s Huts Road Station, 20

Marchant, ?, 22

Marengo Estate, 37

Margate, 47

Maria Island, 24

Mason children, 43

Mason grant, 54

Mason, Charlotte, 43, 44, 50

Mason, Eliza (Mrs Samuel), 43, 44

Mason, Ellen, 43, 44

Mason, John Walter, 43, 44

Mason, Samuel, 43, 44, 51, 53

Mason, Sarah, 43, 44

Mason’s Cottage, 53

McCullagh, Mary (Mrs Simon), 32

McCullagh, Simon, 32

McCulloch, Anne (Mrs Simon), 16

McCulloch, Mary Ann, 17

McCulloch, Simon, 16, 52, 53

McCullugh, Simon. See McCulloch, Simon

McDougall, Lindsay, 55

McDougall, Sue (Mrs Lindsay), 55

McGowan, Anastasia (Mrs James), 32

McGowan, Honora, 17

McGowan, James, 16, 18, 32, 53

McGowan, Mary, 17

McLoughlin, Thomas, 13

Medlar, William, 46


01st Madras Regiment, 45

09th Regiment, 31, 51

11th Regiment, 47

21st Regiment, 16, 21

22nd Regiment, 46

36rd Regiment, 8

46th Regiment, 45

63rd Regiment, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

68th Regiment, 46

73rd regiment, 16

97th Regiment, 43

99th Regiment, 43, 48

Auckland Militia, 14

Royal Artillery, 49

Royal Marine, 51

Sappers and Miners Regiment, 30, 34

military pensioners, 16, 31, 32, 40, 43, 45, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53

Mill Cottage, 6, 7, 8, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 40, 41, 55

Millers Cottage, 7, 28

Montrose Cottage, 54

Moran children, 18

Moran, Annie Ada, 28

Moran, Arthur Ernest, 28

Moran, Bridget, 7, 15, 19, 23, 26, 27, 29, 48

Moran, Bridget (Mrs Thomas), 28

Moran, Catherine, 48

Moran, Catherine (Mrs Edward), 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 28, 31

Moran, Catherine (Mrs William), 28

Moran, Catherine 3, 22

Moran, Catherine jr, 15

Moran, Charles, 8, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 52, 53

Moran, Charles Connell jnr, 28

Moran, Edward, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 39, 45, 52, 53, 54

Moran, Edward 2, 22

Moran, Eleanor, 15, 19

Moran, Florence Lillian, 28

Moran, Isabella Margaret, 28

Moran, Kate, 7, 17, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, See Moran, Catherine jr

Moran, Margaret (Mrs Charles), 28, 29

Moran, Maria. See Moran, Mary Ann

Moran, Mary Ann, 6, 15, 17, 31, See Dunton, Mary Ann (Mrs James)

Moran, Mary Ann 2, 22

Moran, Richard Thomas, 28

Moran, Rose Helena, 28

Moran, Thomas, 12, 28, 29

Moran, Thomas 2, 15, 17, 19

Moran, William, 8, 9, 15, 17, 19, 27, 28, 30

Moran, William 3, 22

Moran’s Cottage, 19, 45

Moran’s Cottage. See Montrose Cottage

Moren, Edward. See Moran, Edward

Morin, Edward. See Moran, Edward

Mounted Police, 10, 11, 15

Mt Rumney, 20

Murphy, Daniel, 16, 33

Murphy, Patrick, 11

Muster Ground, 10

Native Corners, 46, 50, 51, 53

Netherwood, John, 19, 20

New Town Farm, 48

Nicholls, J. H., 52

Nichols, ? (Magistrate), 21

Nickols, Elizabeth, 23

Noonan, Bridget. See Moran, Bridget (Mrs Thomas)

Norfolk Island, 30, 49

Nugent Farm, 25

O’Keefe, David, 18

O’Keefe, Michael, 18

Oatlands, 11, 44, 52

Ogilvy, David, 51

Parramore, Owen, 54

Penrice, 43

pensioner guards, 30

Peppercorn Gallery, 6, 7, 55

petitions, 17, 24, 25, 52

Polding, Bishop John Bede, 16

Poole, Ann (Mrs Joseph), 20

Poole, Anne. See Shelverton, Anne (Mrs George)

Poole, Joseph, 20

Port Arthur, 9, 20, 24

Price, John, 49

Prospect House, 7

Protestants, 24, 26, 27, 29, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53

Pt Puer, 21

Quin, Mrs Jean, 54

Redding, Ellen (Mrs William). See Mason, Ellen

Redding, Richard, 43, 44

Redding, William, 44

Reid, Thomas, 39

Reynolds, ? (Mrs Roderick), 47

Reynolds, Roderick, 47, 52

Richmond Bridge, 11, 14, 43

Richmond Gaol, 10, 14, 44

Richmond Races, 22

Riley, Thomas, 45

Robertson, Gilbert, 10, 15, 43

Rose, John, 23

Roslyn, 15, 22

Ross, Simon, 52

Rows, Thomas snr. See Wroe, Thomas snr

Sampson, ? (Mrs ?), 54

Schaw, Charles, 21, 51


Campania, 55

Catholic, 18, 40

Dame, 53

private girls, 23

public, 47

Searle daughters, 23

Searle, ? (Mrs ?), 23

Shaw children, 47

Shaw, Arthur, 47, 54

Shaw, Bessie (Mrs Arthur), 47, 54

sheep, 11, 12

Shelverton, Annie May, 26

Shelverton, George, 26

Shelverton, Georgina Lester, 23

Shelverton, Kate (Mrs William), 26, 29, See Moran, Kate

Shelverton, William, 26, 29


Alice, 9

Blenheim, 43, 46

Coringa Packet, 46

Eliza 4, 30, 31, 43, 45, 47, 49

Lady Leigh, 49

Lord Goderich, 21

Maria Soames, 43, 48

Medway 2, 19, 20

Minerva, 15, 16, 17, 18, 32

Wave, 8

Simpson, Mary Ann. See Goldie, Marie Ann (Mrs Francis)

Smith O’Brien, William, 24, 53

Smith, Thomas, 50

soldiers, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 30

Sorell, 11, 12, 20, 26

Sparkes, William, 27

St John’s Cemetery, 12, 15, 34, 48

St John’s Church, 12, 15, 16, 17, 26, 40

St Luke’s Cemetery, 12, 13, 34, 44, 51

St Luke’s Church, 26, 45, 50

steam flour mill, 26

Stoney Creek tribe, 10

Styne family, 18

Tasmanian Aborigines, 10, 11

The Carlton, 13

The Old Place, 54, See Carey’s Cottage


blacksmiths, 7, 36, 37, 38

bootmakers, 7, 9, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 32, 40

brewers, 33

bricklayers, 51

builders, 7, 37, 52

butchers, 47

carpenters, 6, 20, 37

charcoal burners, 38

coach-builders, 6, 37

coach-painters, 38

coopers, 7, 30, 33, 34, 36

dressmakers, 6, 7, 9, 23, 26

embroiderers, 7, 23

iron-founders, 46

javelin men, 44

laundresses, 49

millers, 7, 23, 26

millwrights, 10

ostlers, 33

plasterers, 51

shoemakers, 27, 39

stonemasons, 52

tailors, 46, 48

undertakers, 7

wheelwrights, 6, 7, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Travers, Catherine. See Moran, Catherine (Mrs William)

Ulmer, Kurt, 6, 55

Ulmer, Shirley (Mrs Kurt), 6, 55

Villeneuve Smith, William, 51

Vine Cottage, 44

voting, 51

Wallace, Laurence, 18

Wharton, Pymbar, 27

Whelan, Frances (Mrs John). See Wroe, Frances Eliza

Whelan, John, 50

White Kangaroo Rivulet, 10, 15, 29

White, ?, 15

Wiggins, Arthur, 54

Williams, W, 21

Willson, Bishop Robert William, 17, 18

Wilson, William, 21

windmill, 7, 10, 23, 28

Woodburn, 15, 16, 51

Woolford, Billy, 54

Woolford, Louise, 54

Woolford, Mercy, 54

Wright, Cyril, 54

Wright, Walter, 39

Wroe grant, 54

Wroe, Alice, 50

Wroe, Charlotte (Mrs Thomas jnr), 50, See Mason, Charlotte

Wroe, Eva, 50

Wroe, Frances (Mrs Thomas snr), 49, 51

Wroe, Frances Eliza, 50

Wroe, Samuel, 49, 51

Wroe, Thomas jnr, 44, 49, 50

Wroe, Thomas snr, 44, 49, 51, 53

Wroe’s Cottage, 53

Young, Randel, 26



See No Evil


MacFie, Peter, 2022, See No Evil,


Peter MacFie was born in Launceston in 1943 and lived there with his mother and grandmother until his father returned from fighting World War II in New Guinea. His father, Henry Hector MacFie, went to work with the Hydro-Electricity Commission and studied Engineering at UTAS. Peter’s mother kept house on the edge of The Glebe overlooking The Domain and increased the family. This is Peter’s view of his world as he ran free and gained an education from the children he played with while his father worked himself into the ground to try to cope with his nightmares of war, and his mother was dreadfully lonely and unhappy far away from her own close-knit family. Despite this, Peter recounts his childhood adventures with a golden glow.


133 A5 pages, 123 images including 4 historic maps of inner Hobart, plus a detailed index.

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“Cracked & Spineless”, Imperial Arcade, 9/138 Collins St, Hobart, Tas., ph 03 6223 1663

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Libraries Tasmania Catalogue – See No Evil

Sample Chapter – Introduction

A small boy in a red brick house on the hilly Glebe, perched on top of a hill overlooking Hobart.

A neat brick cottage in a row of larger weatherboard houses, some of two storeys with high gables, front steps and verandas facing ‘The Domain’.

Wild grass and native orchids, gum trees and open space, divided by a road, lined with ordered pine trees, all heading to the TCA – Tasmanian Cricket Association Ground.

From the back sunroom windows of the house perched on The Glebe he looked towards The Mountain.

In between was the Valley of Houses, smoky in winter, church bells ringing across the valley on Sundays from Trinity Hill in North Hobart and, nearer the harbour, the full chimes from St David’s Cathedral. Sometimes they rang out on evening practice nights, loud as if they were next door.

Houses clustered over the hills under the bushy silhouettes of Mount Wellington and Mount Nelson.

Down Aberdeen Street to the south was the Regatta Ground and then The River, where the town met the water. Wharfs and docks with big ships and fishing boats in small docks, factories around them.

It’s summer. The red brick cottage is hot. A hazy, clear day and the roar of some single-propeller aeroplanes coming down the valley, sounding low and echoing louder and louder. He rushes out onto the back steps over-looking the valley of houses:

‘The War is over – isn’t it?’

Hands across his eyes – he can’t see for the sun.

Hands across his ears – because the noise is so loud.

Hands across his mouth with …

The propellers on the fighters spin, matching the ‘bulls-eyes’ on their sides.

But it’s not war, not anymore.

There’s a victory celebration in Hobart, and it’s Regatta Day on the River Derwent across the other side of The Domain. The Navy is in, there’s an aircraft carrier at the big wharf, smaller warships in the river and – best of all – the circus is in The Hollow.


Table of Contents

Table of Photographs

Cover Images


Robbitee Bobbitee


1 – Our Glebe Home

2 – Family and Home

3 – The Hydro

4 – The Domain

5 – Two Nannas

6 – Holidays

7 – School

8 – The City

9 – Moving House



Addendum – How to spell MacFie

Father’s Family

Mother’s Family




ammonia, 48

barbed-wire, 21

rabbit trap, 65

alcohol, 34, 36, 59, 109

Anzac Day, 31, 96

Archer, Edward, 118

Archer, Frank, 119

Archer, Gerald, 63, 120, 123

Archer, Heather (Mrs Rob), 63

Archer, Hedley, 63, 120, 124

Archer, Lilian Elsie, 113, 122, See MacFie, Lilian Elsie (Mrs Henry 2)

Archer, Lillian (Mrs Hedley), 18, 28, 120, 121

Archer, Margery (Mrs Frank), 119

Archer, Martha (Mrs William), 117

Archer, Mary Margery. See Archer, Meg

Archer, Meg. See Robertson, Meg (Mrs Ron)

Archer, Rob, 123

Archer, Susannah (Mrs Edward), 118

Archer, William, 117

Armstrong (Thomas), 121

Armstrong, Agnes (Mrs Alexander), 121

Armstrong, Alexander, 121

Armstrong, Diane, 70

Armstrong, Dulcie (Mrs Stan), 69

Armstrong, Effie (Uncle Stan), 122

Armstrong, Ethel Lillian May). See Archer, Lillian (Mrs Hedley)

Armstrong, Lillian. See Archer, Lillian (Mrs Hedley)

Armstrong, Mary, 122

Armstrong, May (Mrs Thomas), 113, 121

Armstrong, Norman Stanley. See Armstrong, Stan (Great Uncle Stan)

Armstrong, Ross, 70

Armstrong, Stan (Great Uncle Stan), 69, 70

Armstrong, Thomas, 113

Auntie Aida, 67, 69, See French, Aida (Mrs Chris)

Auntie Dulcie. See Armstrong, Dulcie (Mrs Stan)

Auntie Heather. See Archer, Heather (Mrs Rob)

Auntie Jean, 57, 60, See McFie, Jean (Auntie Jean)

Auntie Jessie, 41, 69, See Shegog, Jessie (Mrs Sam)

Auntie Meg (Uncle Ron), 35, 38, 41, 42, 62, 63, 64, 70, 71, 72, 77, 81, 83, See Robertson, Meg (Uncle Ron)

Auntie Nancy, 97, 98, See Wilson, Nancy (Uncle David), See McFie, Nancy (Uncle David)

bikes, 54, 74, 76

billycarts, 22, 23

Boat Harbour, 81

books, 28, 50, 60, 68, 85, 96, 97

Botanic Gardens, 44, 46, 49

Brickendon, 66, 118

Bricknell, Mr Harry, 19, 20

Burnie, 35, 62, 71

Burnie Park, 74, 85

Cam River, 80

Cameron, Joyce (Mrs Neil), 41, 72

Cameron, Neil, 41

Campbell Town, 71

cars, 34, 61, 99, 102

Cattle Jetty, 46, 55

Cenotaph, 46, 96

Chapman, Captain William, 111

Chapman, Hannah Elizabeth, 111, See McFie, Hannah (Mrs Henry 1)

Chapman, Martha (Mrs William), 111

chooks, 35

Christmas, 40

circus, 15, 38, 39, 96

Coles Bay, 62

Collins, Dickie, 89

Connor, Bridget. See McFie, Bridget (Mrs Hector 1.1)

Cooee, 74, 75, 76, 81

Cooee Sale Day, 74

Cordner, Miss, 91

Cornelian Bay, 46

Coronea, Hadspen, 121

Coronea, Invermay, 121

Corraville, 66, 67, 68, 69

Cracker Morris. See Morris, Mr Eric K. (Cracker)

cricket, 16, 46, 47, 48, 53, 70, 81, 89

Crisp, Selena Susan Ida. See McFie, Susan (Mrs Teddy 1.1)

Crooke, Richard, 43

Dad, 99, See MacFie, Henry 2

bad memories, 18, 32, 34, 47

good memories, 22, 38, 39, 47, 51, 52, 62

war damage, 18

Dawson, Smoky, 76

Deacon, Ann. See Spurr, Ann (Mrs James)

Denovan, Christina. See Johnson, Christina (Mrs Alexander)

Denovan, Elizabeth (Mrs William), 119

Denovan, William, 119

Detention River, 81

Devonport, 99, 110, 112

dogs, 21, 29, 37, 40, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 67, 68, 69, 75, 77, 92, 102

Dumbarton, 58, 102, 103, 115

Father, 16, See MacFie, Henry 2

Fern Glade, 79

Fern Tree, 59, 61

ferries, 19, 44

fishing, 41, 65, 80

Floating Bridge, 35, 40, 44, 49, 90

Flynn, Errol, 22

Follies, 42

football, 46, 110

Ford family, 20, 36, 37, 40, 50, 88, 102

Ford, (Mrs George (Jack)), 19, 40

Ford, Barry, 19, 47, 86

Ford, George (Mr Jack), 19, 37, 40

Ford, Graham, 19, 37, 40, 41, 86

Ford, Ross, 19, 40, 41, 53

French, Aida (Mrs Chris), 66

French, Chris (Uncle Chris), 66

French, Geoff, 67, 68

Frog Hole, 49

gambling, 71

Gangell, Lillian (Mrs ?), 18, 19, 45, 99

Gaol, 18, 88, 98

Geard family, 55, 99

Geard, Colin, 22, 54, 99

Geilston Bay, 90

Girls, 53

Glebe Town, 16, See The Glebe

Government House, 46, 49

Grandfather Hedley Archer, 57, See Archer, Hedley

Grandfather McFie, 57, 106, 112, See McFie, Hector 2

Grandmother Archer. See Nanna Archer

Grandmother McFie. See Nanna McFie

Grant, Captain John, 109

Grant, Ellen (Mrs John), 109, See McFie, Ellen (Mrs Hector 1.2)

grass igloos, 48, 49

Great Grandfather Frank Archer. See Archer, Frank

Great Grandfather Henry McFie 1, 100, 106, 112, See McFie, Henry 1

Great Grandfather Price. See Price, Thomas William

Great Grandfather Thomas Armstrong. See Armstrong. Thomas

Great Grandmother Emily Price. See Price, Emily (Mrs Thomas William)

Great Grandmother Hannah McFie. See McFie, Hannah (Mrs Henry 1)

Great Grandmother Margery Archer. See Archer, Margery (Mrs Frank)

Great Grandmother May Armstrong. See Armstrong, May (Mrs Thomas)

Great Nanna Hannah McFie, 100, 112, See McFie, Hannah (Mrs Henry 1)

Great Uncle Gerald Archer. See Archer, Gerald

Great-great Grandfather Alexander Johnson. See Johnson, Alexander

Great-great Grandfather Armstrong. See Armstrong, Alexander

Great-great Grandfather Edward Archer. See Archer, Edward

Great-great Grandfather John Hall jr. See Hall, John jr

Great-great Grandfather John Price. See Price, John

Great-great Grandfather Spurr. See Spurr, James

Great-great Grandfather Teddy McFie. See McFie, Teddy

Great-great Grandfather William Chapman. See Chapman, Captain William

Great-great Grandmother Armstrong. See Armstrong, Agnes (Mrs Alexander)

Great-great Grandmother Chapman. See Chapman, Martha (Mrs William)

Great-great Grandmother Christina Johnson. See Johnson, Christina (Mrs Alexander)

Great-great Grandmother Mary Hall jr. See Hall, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs John jr)

Great-great Grandmother Price. See Price, Jane (Mrs John)

Great-great Grandmother Spurr. See Spurr, Ann (Mrs James)

Great-great Grandmother Susan McFie. See McFie, Susan (Mrs Teddy 1.1)

Great-great Grandmother Susannah Moore. See Archer, Susannah (Mrs Edward)

Great-great-great Grandfather Hector 1, 108, See McFie, Hector 1

Great-great-great Grandfather Henry Rockliff. See Rockliff, Henry

Great-great-great Grandfather James Moore. See Moore, James)

Great-great-great Grandfather James Sayers. See Sayers, James

Great-great-great Grandfather John Hall sr. See Hall, John sr

Great-great-great Grandfather Joseph Johnson. See Johnson, Joseph

Great-great-great Grandfather William Archer. See Archer, William

Great-great-great Grandfather William Denovan. See Denovan, William

Great-great-great Grandmother Bridget Connor. See McFie, Bridget (Mrs Hector 1.1)

Great-great-great Grandmother Edith Hall. See Hall, Edith (Mrs John sr)

Great-great-great Grandmother Elizabeth Denovan. See Denovan, Elizabeth (Mrs William)

Great-great-great Grandmother Elizabeth Moore. See Moore, Elizabeth (Mrs James)

Great-great-great Grandmother Hannah Rockliff. See Rockliff, Hannah (Mrs Henry)

Great-great-great Grandmother Janet Johnson (Mrs Joseph). See Johnson, Joseph

Great-great-great Grandmother Martha Archer. See Archer, Martha (Mrs William)

Great-great-great Grandmother Mrs James Sayers. See Sayers, Mrs James

Great-uncle Stan. See Armstrong, Stan

Greenhythe, 64, 69

greyhound racing, 21

Hadspen, 121

Hall, Edith (Mrs John sr), 121

Hall, John jr, 113

Hall, John sr, 121

Hall, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs John jr), 113

Hall, May Elizabeth, 121, See Armstrong, May (Mrs Thomas)

Hassett, Lindsay, 47, 89

Hayes, Mr Herbert, 100

Hector Cottage, 110

Heywood, Rev. G.T., 120

Hobart Railway Station, 72, 94, 96

Hobart Tigers, 46

Hooper, Christine, 89

Hooper, Mr Fred, 41, 42

Hope, Michael, 93

horses, 20, 21, 63, 70, 75, 76, 87, 90, 121

Hydro, 27, 29, 39, 44, 45, 102, See Hydro-Electric Commission

Hydro Picnic, 44

Hydro-Electric Commission, 27

Invermay, 69

Johnson, Alexander, 119

Johnson, Christina (Mrs Alexander), 119

Johnson, Janet (Mrs Joseph), 119

Johnson, Joseph, 119

Johnson, Margery. See Archer, Margery (Mrs Frank)

Keely, Jane. See Price, Jane (Mrs John)

Kensey, Martha. See Archer, Martha (Mrs William)

kite flying, 46

knife sharpening, 36

lamb marking, 68

Lamond, Stella, 43

Landfall, 63, 69, 113, 116, 120, 123, 124

Lane, Mrs, 91

Lawrence, ? Mrs ?, 92

Lawrence, Mr ?, 92

Leverington, 118, 119

Lillico, Mr A., 100

Lilydale, 120

Lindrum, Walter, 82

Longford, 72, 119

MacFie, Andy, 42, 101, 104

MacFie, Henry 2, 24, 123

MacFie, Jessie. See Shegog, Jessie (Uncle Sam)

MacFie, Josephine, 104

MacFie, Lilian Elsie (Mrs Henry 2), 24, 115

MacFie, Marg, 104

MacFie, Peter, 104

MacFie, Rob, 18, 22, 31, 38, 39, 51, 54, 62, 63, 68, 71, 78, 79, 100, 104

Mad Mick, 22

Maggs, Rev. Ivor, 42

magicians, 42

Martin family, 90

Martin, Roger, 89, 90

Mather, Chris, 89

McFee, Teddy. See McFie, Teddy

McFie, Alan (Uncle Alan), 57

McFie, Bridget (Mrs Hector 1.1), 108

McFie, Ellen (Mrs Hector 1.2), 109

McFie, Hannah (Mrs Henry 1), 99, 100, 112

McFie, Harriett (Mrs Hector 2.1, 28, 114

McFie, Hector 1, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112

McFie, Hector 2, 28, 58, 106, 112

McFie, Helen, 115

McFie, Henry 1, 57, 99, 106, 110, 112

McFie, Henry 2, 115, See Father

McFie, Jean (Auntie Jean), 57, 115

McFie, Jessie ( Auntie Jessie), 114

McFie, Jessie (Auntie Jessie), 57

McFie, Julia (Mrs Teddy 1.2), 110

McFie, Nancy. See Wilson, Nancy (Uncle David), See Auntie Nancy (Uncle David)

McFie, Paul (Uncle Paul), 57, 114

McFie, Susan (Mrs Teddy 1.1), 109

McFie, Teddy (Edward), 109

McFie, Toni (Mrs Hector 2.2, 115

measles, 45

Melba, Dame Nellie, 84

Menadue family, 19

Menadue, Jimmy, 19, 47

Menadue, Mr Jim, 19

mice, 17

Military Cross presentation, 28

Mill House, 120

Milligan family, 98

Milligan, Rev., 98

mischief, 39, 40

money, 21, 97

Moore, Elizabeth (Mrs James), 118

Moore, James, 118

Moore, Susannah. See Archer, Susannah (Mrs Edward)

Morris, Mr Eric K. (Cracker), 89, 91

Mother, 16, 94, 116, 122, See MacFie, Lilian Elsie (Mrs Henry 2)

Mount Wellington, 16, 59

Mowbray, 69

Murfitt, Edith. See Hall, Edith (Mrs John sr)

music, 16, 42, 83, 84, 85

organ, 43, 83

singing, 43, 57, 83

Nanna Archer, 24, 28, 31, 56, 57, 70, 121, 122, See Archer, Lillian (Mrs Hedley)

Nanna McFie, 28, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, See McFie, Harriett (Mrs Hector 2.1)

New Norfolk, 44, 45

Northbury, 118, 119

Owen family, 19, 102

Owen, Kath (Mrs Jack), 19, 36

Owen, Mary, 36, 86

Owen, Mr Jack, 19, 20, 36

Owen, Trish, 36, 53, 86, 105

Pace, Mr Ron, 19

Palfreyman, Ian, 89

Paloona, 112

Panshanger, 118

Penna, 40, 41

pets, 37, 50

canaries, 36, 50, 92

rosella parrots, 50

Piesse, Miss, 87

Point Puer, 113, 114

police, 52, 55

Pollock, Janet. See Johnson, Janet (Mrs Joseph)

Port Arthur, 19

Potter family, 19, 50

Potter, (Mrs Arthur), 19

Potter, Janet, 19, 36, 53

Potter, Mr Arthur, 19

Potter, Stephen, 19

Powder Magazine, 49

Price, Emily (Mrs Thomas William), 113

Price, Harriett, 112, 114, See McFie, Harriett (Nanna McFie)

Price, Jane (Mrs John), 112

Price, John, 112

Price, Thomas William, 112

Pulp and Paper Mill, 74, 85

Queen Mary’s Rest Garden, 111

Queenstown, 57

radio serials, 35

Reddy, Max, 43

Regatta Day, 15, 38, 39, 76

Regatta Ground, 14, 46, 48, 55, 96

religion: Baptist, 59

religion: Catholic, 36, 113

religion: Methodist, 34, 36, 39, 41, 58, 83, 97, 120

religion: Presbyterian, 110

Repat. Hospital, 34

River Derwent, 49

roads: Memorial Ave, 48

roads: Midlands Highway, 66, 99

roads: Mount Wellington Rd, 59

Robert’s the Skin Merchant, 88

Robertson, Effie. See Armstrong, Effie (Uncle Stan)

Robertson, Geoff (Uncle Geoff), 42, 43, 83

Robertson, Meg (Mrs Ron), 41

Robertson, Ron (Uncle Ron), 71

Roches Beach, 35

Rockliff, Hannah (Mrs Henry), 113, 121

Rockliff, Henry, 113, 121

Rothesay, 99, 112

Royal Visit, 98

rude rhymes, 53

Salter, ? (Mrs Harold), 19

Salter, Mr Harold, 19

Salter, Steven, 19, 22

sandpit, 34, 36, 53

Santa Claus, 40

Sassafras, 113

Sawkins, Ellen. See McFie, Ellen (Mrs Hector 1.2)

Sayers, James, 111

Sayers, Martha. See Chapman, Martha (Mrs William)

Sayers, Mrs James, 111

schools: Friends’ Infant School, 87

schools: Friends’ Junior School, 88, 91

schools: Friends’ School, 50, 102

schools: Hutchins, 109

schools: Lenah Valley Primary, 102

schools: Methodist Ladies College, 42, 122

schools: Scotch College, 42

schools: St Mary’s Convent School, 36, 86

Scott, Heather. See Archer, Heather (Mrs Rob)

Sergeant. Miss, 88, 89, 91

Shegog children, 69

Shegog, Jessie (Mrs Sam), 41, 69

Shegog, Sam (Uncle Sam), 41, 69

Shepherd, Dulcie. See Armstrong, Dulcie (Mrs Stan)

ships: Amelia Francis, 111

ships: Aurora Australis, 109

ships: Cartela, 19, 20, 105

ships: Chili, 118

ships: Frances Charlotte, 113

ships: Gold Seeker, 109

ships: Greyhound, 113

ships: Jane, 119

ships: Medway, 117

ships: Naracoopa, 20

shops: Bailey St, 92

shops: Bidencope’s, 96

shops: Blackwood & Lowe, 96

shops: Brownells, 96

shops: Canes, 18

shops: Charles Davis, 18, 96

shops: Little’s, 96

shops: Mathers, 96

shops: O’Conors, 96

shops: OBM’s bookshop, 96

shops: Soundy’s, 96

Simmons, Julia. See McFie, Julia (Mrs Teddy 1.2)

Sisters Creek, 81

skinny-dipping, 81

smoking, 37, 81, 82, 92

Somerset, 80

Spurr, Ann (Mrs James), 113

Spurr, Emily. See Price, Emily (Mrs Thomas William)

Spurr, Hannah, 121, See Rockliff, Hannah (Mrs Henry)

Spurr, Harriett. See Nanna McFie

Spurr, James, 113

Stenhouse, Peter, 28

stock whips, 75, 76

streets: Aberdeen St, 14, 16, 19, 37, 97

streets: Argyle St, 97

streets: Bailey St, 19, 54, 92

streets: Campbell St, 18, 88, 98

streets: Criterion St, 96

streets: Davenport St, 21, 92

streets: Edward St, 18

streets: Elizabeth St, 96

streets: Federal St, 93

streets: Fitzroy Pl., 59

streets: Glebe St, 21

streets: Lillie St., 16, 19, 20, 23, 36, 40

streets: Liverpool St, 52, 96, 97, 98

streets: Mary St, East Launceston, 56

streets: Murray St, 96

streets: Newlands Avenue, 102

streets: Park St, 91, 92

streets: Pillinger’s Dr., 59, 61

streets: Scott St, 48

sunburn, 65, 81

Sunroom, 39

swearing, 77

swimming, 54, 65, 79, 81

sycamore games, 50

Tapp family, 19

Tapp, Jimmy, 19

TCA Ground, 14, 16, 21, 46, 48, 89

telephone, 16, 62, 88, 99

The Depression, 28

The Dogs, 46, 49, See greyhound racing

The Domain, 16, 22, 46, 54

The Glebe, 14, 16

The Hollow, 15, 20, 38, 96

The Pulp, 81, See Pulp and Paper Mill

The River, 14, 46, See River Derwent

The Slippery Slope, 38

The War, 28, 32

Torquey, 111

tree climbing, 46, 48, 49

Trevallyn Dam, 45

Uncle Alan. See McFie, Alan (Uncle Alan)

Uncle Chris, 66, 67, 68, 69, See French, Chris (Uncle Chris)

Uncle David, 97, See Wilson, David (Uncle David)

Uncle Geoff. See Robertson, Geoff (Uncle Geoff)

Uncle Harky, 19, 37, 41

Uncle Paul. See McFie, Paul (Uncle Paul)

Uncle Rob, 123, See Archer, Rob

Uncle Ron, 35, 38, 41, 42, 43, 62, 64, 70, 71, 72, 74, 81, 83, 85, See Robertson, Ron (Uncle Ron)

Uncle Sam, 69, See Shegog, Sam

Uncle Stan. See Armstrong, Stan (Great Uncle Stan)

Upper Barrington, 57

Venus, Miss, 87

Vertigan family, 61

Walker, Jean (Mrs ?), 42, 101

Welch, Agnes. See Armstrong, Agnes (Mrs Alexander)

Wescombe, Dudley, 85

Western Junction, 72

White, ? (Mrs ?), 19, 23

White, Mr ?, 19

Whitemore, 66, 68, 101

Williams, Lyn, 105

Williams, Mr Chris, 75, 76, 77

Williams, Wanda, 18, 105

Wilson family, 64, 74, 80

Wilson, David (Uncle David), 97

Wilson, Margaret, 65

Wilson, Mr Tim, 64, 65, 74, 80, 81

Wilson, Nancy (Uncle David), 97

Wilson, Neville, 64, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81

Wilson, Wynn (Mrs Tim), 64, 74, 80, 81

Wockum, 21, 22

Woodside, 119

Woolmers, 66, 118

Wright, Mr Vern, 45

YMCA, 97

Henry H. MacFie

Henry H. MacFie

Henry H. MacFie was the father of Peter MacFie. After serving during WW2 in New Guinea, he trained as an engineer and spent his working life with the Hydro-Electric Commission. He was particularly interested in historical engineering. This page links to his published works, but before he was an engineer, Lt. Henry MacFie was a soldier during World War II in New Guinea where he was awarded the Military Cross. Peter tells the story in his biography See No Evil.

 Henry married Lilian Archer and their first son, Peter, was born in 1943. They met briefly when Peter was 3 weeks old, and then not again till Peter was 9 months old, in 1944.

In Memory of Henry Hector MacFie

Compiled by his second son, Robert H. MacFie

All Works by Henry H. McFie

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Year(s) Topic
1992 Duck Reach – The First Significant Hydro-Electric Development in Australasia: H.H. McFie 1992 *